National Water Safety Month

National Water Safety Month

Swimming is one of life’s greatest activities. In the month of May, the American Red Cross, the Pool and Hot Tub Alliance, the National Recreation and Park Association, and the World Water Park association join together to bring awareness and education to the need for water safety. There are things that HAVE to happen to make sure that your family and friends are safe in and around your backyard pool. Drowning prevention is key!

A large percentage of child drownings happen when children aren’t meant to be in the water. They sneak back to the water because they don’t want to be done swimming.

Supervision is critical during swim time, but also after swim time is over.

Locks and alarms should be on windows and doors leading to water. Locks should be high enough that children can’t reach them.

A pool safety fence is always a good idea. It should be non-climbable mesh, and completely surround the pool. It should also have self-closing, self-latching and locking gates.

Teach your children to be water safe! Survival Swim Lessons teach children the swim/float/swim method. If your child falls face down into the water, knowing how to roll onto a face-up back float can save a life! If your baby is walking, then he/she can also learn to swim to the pool edge or steps, rolling over to breathe whenever air is needed.

Don’t rely on your rules to keep kids from going into the water. Young children don’t have the brain development to have good impulse control skills. Teach them never to go to the water without you, but don’t rely on that to keep them safe.

Remove all toys and fun things from around the pool area every time they are used. Take away the temptation to return to the water.

Learn and practice CPR. At least one person who knows CPR should be at the pool at all times.

It’s summer time in America and swimming is a big part of summer fun! As a pool builder, we want everyone who enjoys our pools to be educated on water safety and swim safely.

Here are a few resources to check out if you want more information: